Sometimes just have a digital presence like a website, doesn’t solve the purpose. Some of us need that extra add-on to help you function and in a better way. Our software solutions help you with day-to-day, but very important back-end stuff that usually tends to get out of control if not handled well in the very beginning.
We have curated some cutting-edge products that can be plugged-in to your existing website to help take care of small but very important functions like Customer Relationship Management, a Point-of-Sale system for a physical store, taking an ECommerce store to the next level with the help of Marketplaces and Aggregator platforms. We have it all here, ready for use!
You can check out our products mentioned below, but if you already know what you need, get in touch with us and we’ll be very happy to discuss your requirements.
Inventory Management
Managing your stock/inventory becomes a huge slow-down if you do not have a complementing solution to tackle this. In the age of ever evolving technologies, our cloud-based Inventory Management System enables you to keep a track of your total inventory, outgoing and incoming stock, low stock, dead stock, etc.

Online Marketplace
Do you own an ECommerce store but envision to have a platform where you can collaborate with multiple sellers to come forth and sell their goods on your website? You’ve come to the right place, our team of experts will help you to extend your basic online store into a full fledged marketplace for you to earn that extra bit and in turn get additional traffic to your website.
We not only help set this up for you, but also assist you in maintaining the marketplace for a smooth user experience. Our team will also help you upgrade your servers to ones that better fit your purpose.
Cloud Point of Sale (POS)
Our ready-to-use POS system will enable you to conduct your “over-the-counter” sales in a jiffy! The system comes fully equipped to take an order, generate a KOT for the backend team as well as invoice for the customer, all in one go. You also have a detailed report of your sales. So be it daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly, you have all that you need right in front of you in one place.

Aggregator Platform
Do you want to increase your online sales and take your business to the next level? We offer you a platform that will help you post your products onto aggregator websites like Amazon, Flipkart, SnapDeal, etc.
Our team will also assist in you in setting up a process for your team to get the products up and running. We also offer Google Merchant Center setup, if you wish to opt for it. With all these features, we’ll get the sales flowing in from all possible directions.
Membership Management
Do you own a business with lots of members? Our membership management system fully automates your application process to help you manage your new as well as existing members and their renewals/perks. Having an online membership management software also gives a great first impression to all your new members.
Managing renewals, offers, coupons, discounts, membership extensions, etc are part of this well thought of membership software. If you’re a sports arena, you can also manage multiple courts using the same software.

CRM Software
Which business doesn’t want to have a list of customers and their respective data. Planning for a CRM at the very start of your business will help you to accumulate a vast database of your customers. You can analyse their pattern of booking, returning customers, offers that target a specific category of customers, etc.
Our bespoke CRM Software caters to all your customers, from the enquiry stage to final closure all under one roof. Our analytical algorithms help you stragtegise with the help of the data that is accummulated over the years to assist you in making crucial business decisions.
IVR Cloud Telephony
How about replacing your office number with an official cloud-based boardline number for your clients to contact you upon. Our IVR solution comes fully equipped with call recording, a CRM database for you to manage your calls/enquiries.
You can also assign separate channels for Sales, Support, Enquiries, etc. all under one IVR + CRM solution. The analytic algorithm also helps you keep track of answered, unanswered and dropped calls whose data may come useful for your business purposes.

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